Thursday, December 12, 2019

Advent Day 12

We have made it halfway through Luke. We are only 12 days away from Christmas Eve. Chapter 12 of Luke gives us much to consider and think about. It talks about hypocrisy, the rich fool, why not to be anxious, and always to be watchful - like the faithful servant.

It also tells us to give alms and to stand up for our Father.  God, our father, loves us and will forgive much. However, he will not forgive blasphemies against the Holy Spirit.  Trust in God and the Holy Spirit to give you the words that you need at the hour that you need them.

Blessings to you and your families as we get ever closer to celebrating the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Advent Day 11

Luke chapter 11 starts with Jesus teaching us the "Our Father". Teaching us how to pray. Then he tells us that we should pray often. He tells us that if we knock the door will open, if we ask we shall receive.

Jesus tells us many things in this chapter but one of my favorites is "blessed said rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"  I truly feel blessed by all the graces and gifts that I've been given by God. Me, a sinner. 

I hope you and yours are having a blessed Advent. Please remember to pray for all the families that have lost loved ones during this season and pray for the repose of the deceased. 

God's blessings to each and every one of you.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Advent Day 10

I have had a very long day - 12 hours at work starting at 2:30 am - but now needing to stay awake long enough so I get back on my regular sleep schedule. I have come to my husband's 4th RE class (4th graders). He is teaching them about Advent and especially the Advent wreath. It is very interesting and watching their faces is priceless. 
I did read Luke before the kids arrived and 
this chapter of Luke tells of Jesus sending out 70 men to spread the good news ahead of Him. 
I have nothing wise or intellectual here - sorry. My brain is getting a bit fuzzy so please excuse me. I will try to impart something sage next time! God bless you and your families!

Monday, December 9, 2019

Advent Day 9

Chapter 9 of the Gospel of Luke contains many familiar stories about Jesus healing many people. It also tells us of the feeding of the 5,000. Just think about the shear number of bodies in one area. Then consider how much food 5,000 people could consume. Jesus fed them all with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish! Plus they had 5 baskets of food left over! 

The part of this chapter of Luke that was not familiar to me was the short paragraph about Herod's confusion. Some people said that the miracles and healings were being done by John. Herod said that he had beheaded John so who was this that he was hearing all the stories about? I don't recalling ever understanding the timing of John the Baptist's death. I knew he and Jesus were close in age and that he began baptizing before Jesus began his preaching and teaching. However, I don't remember knowing when exacting John was killed and I didn't remember that it was a the hand of Herod.

It is a good day when I learn new things but it is a great day when I learn new things and grow in my faith. Advent 2019 has been amazing this far - I have learned much and hopefully have reveiled something to you that you hadn't known before. 

Blessings to you and your this Advent!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Advent Day 8

Luke chapter 8 includes a few parables and many miracles of healing that Luke reported.  The parable of the sower as well as the explanation of the parable start this chapter. I feel there are many people in my life who have heard the word of God but have had the devil take these words from their hearts. 

It is sad to think that someone we love could have heard and perhaps began to believe. However, the devil jumped in and veered their focus from the good news to something else like money, a new car, a new house, or just basic greed. It is not necessarily worldly possessions that can push God from their heart - it could be the words of people they respect, admire, or love. 

Choose your words carefully when speaking to others. Pray that your words of love, kindness, and faith fall on an open heart and mind. Pray for your family and others who don't yet believe that they may know the truth and live in the light of God. 

Pressing on to read Luke daily and trusting that you, those reading this blog, are having a meaningful and enriching Advent. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Advent Day 7 and More

The 7th chapter in the Gospel of Luke is packed full with parables, miracles, and Jesus teaching. I am truly enjoying reading this Gospel. But today we are going to the diocese ordination of several men into the permanent deaconate including one from our parish.

These men have answered the call to service. These men of God will be a blessing to their parish priests and their parish communities. Blessings to them all and to their families as well. Deacons do their jobs by the grace of God, at the pleasure of the Bishop, and with the love and support of their families. 

Advent Day 6

In the 6th chapter of Luke, Jesus teaches much.  You tells the pharisees that he is the son of man and is Lord of the sabbath. That should keep the pharisees at bay. On another sabbath He talks about healing the withered hand of a man in the synagogue. Jesus also chooses his 12 disciples that he calls apostles from his group of followers. 

This chapter also speaks about Jesus healings and blessings and woes to those who don't pay attention to what he is saying.  He begins with blessed are the poor, blessed are you that hunger now, blessed are you that weep now, blessed are you when men hate you. 

And then he goes on to the woes - woe to you that are rich, woe to you that are full now, woe to you that laugh now, woe to you when all men speak well of you. 

But he tells us also, for the hundredth time I'm sure, that we should love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us, and pray for those who abuse us. Anybody can love a person who loves them that doesn't take a lot of strength. But loving someone that hates you, that is the true test of a Christian heart.

Jesus also tells us that we should not judge, we should not condemn others, we should forgive and give and loan without expecting anything in return.

The parable of the speck of dirt in your brother's eye but you don't notice the log that is in your own eye is also contained in this chapter. This is a great reminder that we should not be hypocrites, that we should not judge others, and we should always look at ourselves 1st before telling others how to live their lives. 

We do need to heed Jesus's advice to build a strong foundation by taking his words and doing something with them. We need to act on them and then our foundation will be strong.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Advent Day 5

In chapter 5 Jesus called his 1st disciples - Simon Peter, James and John.  They left everything and followed him. I am not sure that I could do the same. I am not sure that I could leave all my friends and family and home and follow anyone on an unknown adventure. However, seeing the miracles first hand might have convinced me. 

Except....I have left everything I knew and, after asking God to take us where we were needed, followed His will. I think i can see why the first disciples left their home and followed Jesus!

Jesus also cleansed a leper I told him not to tell anyone. But the leper told his tale and great multitude started to gather around Jesus to hear and be healed.

Chapter 5 also includes one of my favorite stories about Jesus healing the paralytic. Because of the great crowds the paralytic's friends lowered him from the roof into the house. Jesus healed him saying your sins are forgiven.

Jesus called Levi, a tax collector, to "follow me". Jesus dined with Levi and other tax collectors. He explained to the pharisees that people that are not ill have no need of a physician. "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance". We are all sinners and need Jesus!

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Advent Day 4

Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit where he was tempted by the devil. The devil had some compelling arguments to try to get Jesus to sin. 

Sometimes the devil is not so obvious with his temptations to us. If he could not trick Jesus into sinning, it shows me that by depending on Jesus in my every day life, I, too, can recognize the devil and rebuke this temptations.

When Jesus was rejected by those in his hometown, I could identify. There are times in my life that I felt rejected by the small community I grew up in - I went away too. The negativity and self-doubting can be toxic. Getting away (fight or flight) is understandable.

Advent Day 3

I read Luke Chapter 3 yesterday but didn't  get to publish my post, so here it is. 

John the Baptist  began preaching baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins - "..prepare the way of the Lord..."

He preached about practical ways to help others whether by sharing your extra clothing, being honest in your dealings with others, and by being content with the wages paid to you. 

John denied to all that he was the Christ and explained his unworthiness to even untie the sandals of the Christ. John baptized by water but Christ would baptize with the Holy Spirit  and fire.

Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan. God spoke those famous words "You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased".

The ancestry of Jesus through Joseph is fascinating and when read to the end of the chapter concludes "...the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God." This should remind us that we all are descendants of Adam - the son of God - so our genealogy ends this same way.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Advent Day 2

The second chapter of Luke tells us the very familiar story of Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem. Mary gave birth to Jesus in a manger because there was no room at the inn and he wore swaddling clothes. The shepherds are visited by the angels and told of the birth. They went to Bethlehem. 

Jesus was named and then presented at the temple. Simeon, inspired by the holy spirit, recognizes the Christ child, blesses God and then blesses Jesus's parents.

Jesus grew up in Nazareth.  After the Passover feast at Jerusalem the year Jesus was 12 years old, he stayed behind when his parents returned home. The first night they realized he was not with the group and returned to Jerusalem. After searching for him, they found him in the temple. Jesus said to them .."did you not know that I must be in my Father's house?"

Upon their return to Nazareth, Jesus was obedient to his parents. And Mary "kept all these things in her heart" - most earthly mothers would understand this. Jesus grew up and gained wisdom. 

This chapter covers the period of Jesus's life from birth to adulthood. Not much else is known except those events described here. Nearly everyone I know wants to know about those formative years that are not chronicled for us. However, I like to think that those events not told at the ones Mary and Joseph kept in their hearts - special, private, and not for public consumption. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Advent Day 1

I am going to try to read the Gospel according to Luke (read here on the USCCB site) this Advent - 24 chapters, 1 a day from now to Christmas Eve.

In chapter 1, we read about the foretelling of the birth of John the Baptist to his elderly parents Zechariah and Elizabeth. What a wonderful surprise for both - although Elizabeth had a fairly peaceful nine months because Zechariah did not believe the angel Gabriel when he was told this would be happening and was struck mute!

And then Mary, a virgin betrothed to Joseph, was chosen to birth the son of God! What an exciting and terrifying time for her. When the angel Gabriel announced this to Mary (called the Annunciation), we are all indebted to her for saying "yes". Without her consent, our world would be very different. Thank you Mary, our Blessed Mother, for consenting to this great responsibility and world changing birth. The "Canticle of Mary" is a beautiful song from Mary blessing God and all of His great works - I love reading this passage.

We also read about the first person to recognize that the child Mary was carrying was "my Lord" -  John leaped for joy in Elizabeth's womb when Mary entered. A very humbling and amazing occurrence.

This chapter also tells of the birth of John and that Zechariah's speech was returned once he agreed with Elizabeth that their son's name is John. Oh, the peaceful silence has been lifted! John would be raised without strong drink and filled with the Holy Spirit. He would "make ready for the Lord a people prepared."

Please join me in the reading of Luke and leave your own comments here.

Stay tuned for tomorrow and Chapter 2.

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus - February 9, 2023

 February 9, 2023 Wow..this has been a long time coming. I can't believe it has taken me this long to complete our travel adventure to I...