Sunday, June 14, 2020

Public Masses Return

While our public Mass today is defining to look different, we will be celebrating with 200 of our sisters and brothers today. We also continue to provide a livestream Mass for those that cannot or do feel comfortable attending the public Mass. 

My amazing Deacon husband has been called on to be our parish's COVID-19 coordinator. This is a role that did not exist 6 months ago so it has a very steep learning curve. He must make sure the different ministries are provided with ministry-specific training to help keep us all safe and in compliance with the state regulations.
Also in this role, he is coordinating the calling of all registered families to help to get them scheduled for a future mass, if they wish. Connecting with these parish families is almost more important than getting them the mass information. Many do not have access to the Internet or simply do not have the interest to participate in social media or surfing the net. Some may feel completely cut off from their family and/or friends - including their parish family. Catholics are that parish family is extremely important.

I will not be attending the outdoor Masses today as my husband is serving at the livestreaming Mass early this morning. Although there are about 10 of us in attendance, I am wearing a mask as is the new norm for our masses. It is the one little thing that I can do to keep others safe. It does not mean I am weak or afraid.

I pray that we can return to the indoor mass soon but unfortunately I don't believe normal will ever look the same again. Praying for peace, love, and civility to return to this broke society. May God bless each of you and keep you safe and healthy.

Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus - February 9, 2023

 February 9, 2023 Wow..this has been a long time coming. I can't believe it has taken me this long to complete our travel adventure to I...