Monday, September 2, 2019

Sometimes Life is Hard.....Perspective is Everything

There are times when I feel that I, yes personally, am being pushed aside in the name of service to the Church. I am human - I feel hurt and upset when my husband's ministries take precedence over mine or me. Don't get me wrong, my husband is an amazing man, husband, father, grandfather, and Deacon - but he is just a man. Neither of us is perfect.

So when I am feeling sorry for myself, I can do one of two things. I can either wallow in self-pity or I can pray for help from God. When Ken was ordained, I received a prayer card in one of the "Deacon's wife" gifts - I use it often:

I said "yes" when my husband was ordained a Deacon. The "yes" meant my support, my love, my sharing him as he serves our brothers and sisters.
Thank you for our marriage and our life together. I ask for your help in my supporting him in his service to others as a Deacon.
I know you love me Lord as your unique creation. You have gifted me in many ways. Help me to know my gifts and to use them wherever you desire - within my family circle, and in this world when I am called to love and serve others as Jesus did.

This is what I try to do each time I find myself feeling sorry for me. Pray to God because I am nothing without Him.

So if you are the wife of a Deacon (or Deacon candidate), I highly recommend writing this prayer down - it may be the lifesaver that you need one day (or today). God's blessings to all who read this.

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