My faith in humans was restored last night at Easter Vigil Mass (btw, my favorite Mass of the year). Our church was filled, although not completely full, of family and friends of those coming into the Church but also faith-filled parishioners who were there because it was where they wanted to be. My heart was full seeing our Church filled with so much love for Jesus as well as for each other.
Father Michael preached a beautiful homily directed, in part, to the soon-to-be neophytes. He introduced us to the term "militant joy" which means having joy in the moment, not because it is a happy or joyful moment, but because you know Jesus will help you through it and all will be well. Finding joy even when we are not joyfilled - "militant joy". I love the phrase and I will be using this to help myself appreciate the graces that our Lord has given me and continue to give me - I am thankful for every one of them.
Until next time - may God bless you with all that you need and/or ask for. Enjoy a very happy Easter season!!